Saturday, March 6, 2010

The role of family and friends

I will be honest I haven't been pouring my heart out in my blogs since I started this one. I guess that last one was just so hurtful that I closed off.

Now part of it is that I don't want to be bogged down in negativity, but I also find that I need a place to put those things and my blog has traditionally been that place. A place that I could say what I needed or wanted to and let it go and get on with my life. I find that at times I still need that.

So this blog will be raw and about my feelings, you were warned.

I love facebook, mostly for the word games that I play with Sheila. It has been fun to reconnect with friends from highschool and to make a few new friends too. Sadly, my family has found me. I set all my privacy settings and still through the "saner" family that I let in ... well they found me. I got friend invites from them. The first one I let in... and almost immediately the status were drama filled. Then I got the other sister's invite and I just flatly ignored it. After some thought I remember all family except Bill, Sam and a nephew. (ON MY SIDE OF THE FAMILY LOL)

Since the two sisters had joined the "online world" there has been family strife. Now I have opted out of it... I don't want it or need it in my life BUT I know it is going on.

So I tell you all of this for a reason.

I honestly don't understand why life can't be stress free among friends and family. Family and friends are supposed to be there to make life easier and better. To add a richness to your days and smiles and laughter.

Sadly my response of cutting out all the drama leaves me with few people in my life. I wonder if I am just too quick to cut it all out or if I just can't handle remaining neutral. I think remaining neutral is always hard... people expect you to take a side... if you don't take theirs then you aren't being supportive or you become an instant enemy.

The one sister than ignored... for a while she was making contact with me... and it was ok... an email here or there. She was separated from her husband and I guess she needed someone. I was that someone. Now she is back with him and doesn't need anyone else. I am not a yo yo.

This sister is the one that went to prison for stealing money.. for 18 months. I have a nephew that is gay. I have to issue with the nephew that is his private business but the sister is so mean and hateful to him... all holier than thou. She calls him a faggot and tells him he is going to hell... conveniently forgetting her own sins.

The nephew seeks my advice and I tell him that he is the one that controls what he lets into his life.... good and bad. I hope that I am not leading him to a lonely life.

Who would have thought that at 42 the people that I am around still act like 12.

Should I open things up and risk drama or should I continue to shut down the drama people? Where on EARTH do I find more DRAMALESS people to be friends with?

Ok, thank you for reading... needed to put this down


  1. Start up a blog under a different name for Drama only ppl. and, only go there to read it when you feel up to it..Otherwise I think it is best for your sanity to keep things as is. How many times do you want to let them keep pulling you down..that my friend is the question. I will be here no matter what.

  2. oh I decided not to ... I turned them down and took them off then went out into the sunshine and had a great time...

    I just had a bit of guilt.. you know you are supposed to love your family and put up with them and all that... but you know what.... I can love them from AFAR...

    I love you meanie.. you are a gift from God!
